Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mistakes Dieters Will Make in the New Year

Most people make the same common mistakes when on a diet!
Just spent a week reading about the latest diet crazes where they all recommend cutting calories or fasting. So I decided to join a slimming club where I saw different people that seemed to be wasting their time and effort. They were allowed to continue to eat certain junk food. This sounded appealing at first but the members of the slimming club didn’t look the way I aspired to look like so I was left confused and worried.

And that's really sad. After all, almost everyone goes on a diet to get a flat stomach, but almost everyone never achieves his or her goals!

In fact, most people make the same common mistakes.

Mistake #1 - Routinely getting weighed

The biggest mistakes a dieter can make is setting their minds to reaching a number on the weighing scales every week or in some crazy cases every day! This repetitive behaviour is heavy on the mind making the participant feel incarcerated. It’s common for them to just focus on numbers without considering health & fitness or the quality of the food they are eating. This behaviour leads to frustration and unnecessary pressure.

Tip: The above system is nothing more than a marketing tool to help sell a diet; it has no benefit whatsoever. Getting weighed regularly doesn’t tell you if you are losing fat or which area of the body is changing shape. The best way to measure progress is using the mirror and/or to take tape measurements around the bum, hips, thigh, waist, chest and arms.

Mistake #2 - Counting calories

Ha! I wish it were as easy as just that. Eating X amount of calories will make you look like so and so. If this was true how come over 90% of dieters never achieve permanent results on calorie controlled diets? I will tell you why, it is because the quality of calories and which food groups these calories come from are missing from the picture. The most valuable piece of information a dieter needs always seems to be conveniently missing so not to upset the recurring revenue stream.

TIP: A basic understanding of food groups needs to be learned for best results, don’t worry because it is simple and quick to learn. There are 3 main food groups, Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. Once you learn which type of foods comes from each food group it is easy to lose weight and fat. This is because you can begin to use ratios for your meals. The benefits of ratios are to monitor the amounts of carbohydrates you need versus protein to lose weight and fat. Calorie controlled diets fail to recognise this important step, that is why you see overweight people unable to lose weight and fat on low calorie diets.
Most people make the same common mistakes when on a diet!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

How To Be a Success with Fat Loss - The Best Transformations don’t Become Slim by Accident

There has to be a reason for wanting to get in shape
All different kinds of success and achievements are born out of a goal. Goals are behind the worlds leading business tycoons and winning sports teams, and without a goal you are playing Russian roulette with your fat loss efforts. Success stories that happen by chance are few and far between. Every one of us needs a plan and needs to follow directions in order to get to where we want to go. This is regardless of whether the goal is for fat loss or other personal reasons.

The best fat loss transformations of the year don’t become slim and lean by accident. It starts with a goal. There’s no doubt that this sounds overwhelming at first to the overweight and out of shape person, but by breaking down the desire to become slim into little achievable goals it is easier to achieve each little step one at a time until the goal is achieved.

All it takes is a goal, not having a goal is one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make when embarking on any kind of diet. You have to be specific in order to get the best value from your time and effort. There has to be a reason for wanting to get in shape and change, the reason is your number one motivational tool that you can continuously refer to and remind yourself where you want to end up. By writing it down you can carry it around with you and use it to your advantage when the going gets tough.

Think about it for a few moments, what do you really want? A six-pack? Better health? Lose overall weight? Look great naked? Lose flabby body fat? Get rid of man boobs? Look younger? Feel fitter? Look more attractive? Feel confident? Live longer?

Whatever you want to achieve and change write it down and don’t forget to state the reasons why you want it. This is a powerful tool that can help you more than you realise. Once you have a goal in front of you all you will need to do is plan the steps required to reach it. Keep the steps as simple as possible or you will be more likely to fail. Remember you don’t need luck on your side because you are in control of what you want and what you get.
There has to be a reason for wanting to get in shape

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Achieve Fast Fat Loss Results with Some of These Exercise Tips

How to look your best in the shortest amount of time
Just because you regularly clock in at the gym doesn’t mean you are on the road to fast fat loss results. Marathon type workouts and going at it half-hearted isn’t the way to train to look your best in the shortest amount of time.

It is time to stop guessing and livings in hope of miraculously waking up with a perfect body because it doesn’t work like that. What follows are brief excerpts of some of my favourite training tips guaranteed to carve you a better body with less body fat in less than a fraction of the time you currently spend.

Before embarking on regular exercise it is important to assess which muscles are tight and need stretching. The reason for this is because a tight muscle could compromise the technique of an exercise and over compensates other parts of the body causing overuse problems. Learning proper stretching techniques and investing time in holding the stretches in the areas you can feel stretch when you perform them will benefit your posture and help prevent injuries.

When you exercise you need to train intense but smart. This means training within your capabilities that allows a minimum of a good technique on everything you do. This mainly points to lifting a weight that is too heavy for you. Doing only part of the range of a movement or trying to force more reps than you can manage safely will probably result in quick and poorly performed repetitions. Properly performed reps are real reps; they are more demanding and achieve greater results. Poorly performed reps will take the stress away from the body part making it easier but less effective.

Exercise selection is important if you want fat loss too. Big movements are essential. The multi joint exercises works more muscles and burns more calories, whether if you want to body build, tone or reduce fat the big exercises will get you there quicker. Performed correctly they will also have the best carry over effect to functional ability to help you in work, sports and day to day tasks.

Think of exercises a bit like your diet, the more variety the better. I once learnt in a lecture that an average person eats no more than 12 different kinds of food in a typical week. Do you do the same with exercise selection by doing the same exercises week in and week out? If so, then it is time to shock your system. Train to achieve a response from your workout with the method of rotating your exercises frequently. Keep in mind there are many alternatives to the standard exercises; although you are basically doing the same movement you can change the response by using different tools and methods. You also have less chance of suffering from ‘overuse injuries’ if you regularly rotate your exercises.

To get the best results you will need to move quick between exercises without rushing the reps. The next time you are in the gym take a look around; chances are there are people lifting more weight than they are capable of lifting which will mean poorly performed fast sets of exercises. Now take a note of how long people rest in-between sets, I can bet you that the average time is a few minutes before doing the next set. It surprises me how many people on weight loss and toning programmes do this, they are resting far too long. They are taking the same amount of rest needed to achieve a 3-5-rep max. Decrease the rest time between sets for more intensity in the workout, it is normally the first variable I introduce in a programme to increase the overall intensity.

If you can’t make it to the gym don’t worry because you can achieve fat loss without any gym equipment. Have you noticed the physiques of gymnasts? You will never see overweight or out of shape gymnast, that’s because training against gravity is one of the best things you can do to look your best. The feedback I get from clients after doing bodyweight exercises is always that they are surprised how hard they are and how much effort is needed to perform them. Make sure to include gravity-based body weight exercises in your fat loss workout.
How to look your best in the shortest amount of time

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Food Versus Food Supplements in the Quest to Build Muscle & Burn Fat

The good and the bad calories for Bodybuilding and Fat Loss
There’s a fine line between dieting for weight loss and building a good physique. Some bodybuilders have reverse anorexia and will compromise the quality of food just to get their desired daily calorie intake in the hope it will pack on the muscle. It’s not that easy and is one of the many misconceptions that dominate the thinking of a typical bodybuilder, especially the beginner bodybuilder.

Calories are not just calories; there are bad calories and good calories and even the good calories need to be properly balanced for best results. The same diet can have an effect on different people in different ways. Each and every one of us is unique in the ability to digest and assimilate nutrients; our individual genetic make up determines this.

Bodybuilding magazines are guilty of publishing diets with the inclusion of food supplements for building muscle and stripping the fat. Sometimes you have to look hard to see food on the list because there are so many recommended shakes and tablets for this and that. Nutrients from natural food always take a back seat with the recommendations you see in these mainstream magazines.

The bodybuilding-publishing world gets the reader to believe that certain supplements are essential and the most important aspect of a bodybuilder’s daily nutritional intake. These days there are food supplements crafted to any goal. It’s not hard to realise there is a hidden agenda to these magazines; they are all trying to sell something. If the magazine isn’t financially connected to the food supplement company that it recommends you could bet they need the advertising revenue from them to stay afloat.

The quality of nutrition will determine the speed of progress and the amount of results you achieve with bodybuilding. Lifting weights doesn’t and can’t turn a bad food into a good food. It’s impossible to reverse the effects of a bad diet with exercise. It is also impossible to cancel out the bad effects from poor nutrition by using food supplements.

Food supplements are designed to supplement the diet and not take over it. A few of the top brands can be beneficial for convenience and nothing much more. A closer look at these supplements and you would find a list of cheap processed ingredients mixed with artificial sweeteners. My recommendation is no more than 10% of your daily diet should be from food supplements. Food from organic and free-range sources is far more superior then powdered and tablet concoctions for building muscle and fat loss.
The good and the bad calories for Bodybuilding and Fat Loss

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Burn Fat Like a Stone Age Man

Dramatically Reduce Body Fat
Have you seen the film Castaway starring Tom Hanks? This isn’t a film review but rather a review of how we live our lives today compared to our primitive ancestors. On the film Castaway the character played by Tom Hanks ends up stranded on a remote island for four years, having no choice but to fend for himself for survival just like a Stone Age man.

He didn’t sit around all day waiting to get fat, he was forced into doing exercise by needing to hunt for food for survival. There was no processed food, no soft drinks or limitless calories on hand. He was forced to work his body the way it was designed to by pulling, pushing, bending, twisting, squatting, lunging, throwing and even climbing his way through a typical day so he could hunt food and eat to stay alive.

This tells us a few things about our modern day existence.

1. We don’t need to do any form of exercise in order to make it through a typical day.
2. We have unlimited supplies of calories at our disposal without needing to exert our bodies for them.
3. The food choices we have are not all from nature.
4. The most convenient foods we eat today and over consume are man made. These contain added artificial concoctions, which are almost impossible to pronounce.

Compared to our ancestors we move less, eat more, have higher stress levels and eat poorer quality foods. The majority of us do very little exercise daily, sedentary lifestyles take over our day to day existence leaving our bodies under worked and over fed with the wrong fuels. Put all this together and you have an obesity problem.

Taking a leaf out of a castaway like Tom Hanks would dramatically reduce body fat in no time at all. Doing a little daily exercise and eating natural food is the quickest way to a six-pack and reduced fat on the body. But above all it is a healthier way to live your life.
Dramatically Reduce Body Fat

Monday, December 7, 2009

Important Advice if You Are Trying to Get Rid of Fat, Want a Six-Pack & Firm Muscles

How to eat to reduce fat
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for fat loss and weight loss. You should never miss this essential feeding time slot if you want to get rid of man boobs and achieve a six-pack or improve muscle tone or build lean body mass. It is equally as important for dieters as it is for the above goals; especially women who want to reduce fat from the belly and arms.

Breakfast means to break the fast from the nights sleep, why is this important? During sleep the metabolism (the rate the body burns calories) slows down because of the lack of demand needed for calories. The worst thing you can do is to prolong the fasting and keep the metabolism running slow (the rate the body burns calories) by skipping breakfast. If you do this what chance do you have achieving fat loss results?

Proven by research
Research after research has proven time and time again that eating breakfast will help achieve more fat loss and weight loss for dieters, but it doesn’t stop there. The sooner you feed the muscles with quality nutrients the better, you need regular feeds to fuel and maintain as much lean body mass as possible to help keep the metabolism fire burning.

Why is this important?
Muscle has a greater calorie demand than body fat. Skipping breakfast will teach your body to store fat and rob fuel from the muscles causing them to break down and lower the rate your body burns calories. Some women get scared with any mention of muscle or maintaining muscle mass through eating smart and resistance training because of the misconceptions attached to it. It is easily achievable to get very strong and eat loads of clean calories and still lose fat if done correctly.

Setting your appetite
What if you haven’t got an appetite first thing on a morning? Don’t worry, I teach my clients to break it down if this is the case. You could start with setting your first goal so you eat breakfast before 10am every morning. Then during the weeks ahead try and bring the time closer to a more convenient time soon after rising.

"You should aim to get 25% of your daily calories at breakfast"

It may seem like a lot at first but it is the best and only way to jump-start the metabolism for quicker fat loss results.
How to eat to reduce fat

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why You Must Avoid Low Calorie Diets

Answers for Fat Loss
Did you know you have to eat to lose weight? You need calories to burn calories or your metabolism will slow down (metabolism is the rate your body burns calories). Following are consequences associated with skipping meals and not eating enough calories.

1. You don’t learn anything from dieting. All you learn is how to imprison yourself for months and even years. Nutrition is a lifestyle that needs to be taught so it can be applied for a lifetime!
2. You increase the number of fat storing enzymes each time you diet.
3. You decrease the number of fat burning enzymes each time you diet and create an increase in the size of fat cells.
4. You decrease lean body mass and basal metabolic rate. Each diet makes it harder to restore normal basal metabolic rate.
5. You create insulin and blood sugar handling problems, which most of the time creates fat storage and hypoglycemic symptoms = cravings!
6. With dieting which is a stress, more cortisol is released. When cortisol goes up, insulin goes up to protect the body. Both of these are converted to glucose and into fat = fat storing hormones.
7. Most people decrease the amount of good fat when dieting. Fat deficiency causes fat cravings, the kinds of fat you find in junk food.

The 7 reasons above are pretty scary. You can’t influence Mother Nature, in other words no matter how hard you try to drop a dress size or transform the way you look you can’t do it by reducing calories because evolution didn’t build us this way.

Low calorie diets also cause many people to be MAL-nourished, even obese people. If you are MAL-nourished how can you expect to be healthy and look good?

Even when on low calorie diets!

Another tip! If you live on processed foods it can cause toxic overload for the liver and make it difficult if not impossible to digest essential nutrients.

It is essential to detox and eliminate processed foods from your diet. The body needs nutrients from a cross section of natural foods to be healthy and work at an optimum level.

Once your body begins to assimilate nutrients you need less food because the body is sending signals telling your brain that you are satisfied.

Failing this will cause you to get hungry even whilst eating large amounts. If you get hungry you eat even more, if you eat more food you won’t lose weight and reduce fat from the places you want.

This is a brief insight into how the body responds to low calorie diets. Low calorie diets are usually a dieter’s first choice at combating the excess fat. A basic understanding about hormones and the eating habits associated with this kind of diet is enough to debunk the low calorie approach for future dieting.
Answers for Fat Loss

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Easiest & Quickest Weight Loss Solutions – Keep a Food Diary

A Real Quick Weight Loss Solution
The reason for keeping a food diary is to let yourself know what goes in your mouth every day of the week. People adopt unhealthy habits that they become accustomed to and forget how much bad food they actually consume. Its time to be honest with yourself, without keeping a food diary you are likely to miss some vital information about yourself. It may seem like a tedious task but it will only take you a couple of minutes each day at the most.

Doing so will uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

Be patient and fill in your food diary a day at a time. The more accurate it is the more you will get from it.

Carry your food diary around with you everywhere you go for the next seven days and fill it in as you go about your business.

Below are some tips of how to describe how you feel after each meal. The window is from a few minutes to a few hours after each meal.

Different responses
Feel satisfied
Feel full but comfortable
Have renewed energy

If you get any of the above responses and you are progressing with weight loss and reducing fat you are on to a winner.

But on the other hand if you are experiencing any of the descriptions below:

Feel full but still hungry
Have cravings
Feel tired
Feel bloated

You will need to adjust your ratios or eliminate problem foods.

Even if you are progressing with fat loss and your weight is coming down your body obviously is not running at its optimum level.

It is advisable to keep experimenting and see what works best for you. Referring to your food diary for feedback and guidance is the easiest way to tweak your diet for fat loss results and for achieving good health.
A Real Quick Weight Loss Solution

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Are You Living a Fat Life? – Find Out How to Add More Fat to Your Belly

Mistakes Dieters Make
Let me give you an example of a typical day of a busy person and the unhealthy habits that go hand in hand and why it isn't surprising why some people find it difficult to lose weight.

A typical day for most people begins with a stampede to make sure they get to work on time; this is normally after failing to wake up after hitting the snooze button multiple times. If there is enough time, they may grab a quick coffee whilst rushing to get ready for work. There’s no time to have anything else because the extra time is needed for the rush hour traffic ahead.

Constant deadlines at work prevent eating before lunchtime, which probably at best would be a sandwich from the shop. This would likely be a highly processed sandwich full of additives and preservatives and followed by a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar. Everything needed to create an insulin response and kick-start a natural cycle to store the calories into the fat cells right under the belt line.

The day passes slowly with drink after drink of coffee to prevent drowsiness and to help keep alert. That unknowingly masks the hunger from the nutritionally deficient diet. By mid-afternoon when the eyes are heavy and the stomach is rumbling a trip over to the vending machine to grab a sugar laden quick snack is on the cards. This is only inevitable because a ‘pick me up’ is needed. The options are not good; everyone knows you can’t get anything fresh or healthy inside a vending machine no matter what it says on the packet. This type of snack will help keep them ticking over until the evening when a massive meal awaits them.

Without a doubt this will be washed down with a reward or two of a glass of wine in recognition of the stressful day behind them. By this time it will be bedtime to repeat it all over again tomorrow.

Does this sound familiar? Rushing around stressed all day shovelling processed food down your neck whenever you get a minute and finishing the day with a bottle of your favourite wine to help release some tension?

This isn’t the most favourable way to live especially if you want to look healthy and be fat free. This is just one example I would call a poor quality lifestyle with a poor body to show for it. Do you really expect to look, feel and do your best when living and eating like this? I could go on and on with similar examples but this one is typical of many in today’s society and is one of the reasons there is a fat epidemic.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1.
Mistakes Dieters Make

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Turn Fat Into Muscle – Learn How Tweaking the Diet Can Get Rid of Fat

Ways to swap the flab for firm muscles
My ethos is this, if you are not getting any results with your diet you drastically need to change something quick.

From the many years trying to get the look I wanted I overlooked my eating habits, this doesn’t mean to say I didn’t know what good foods were and ate unhealthily. The opposite was true. The problem I had was that I didn’t know how to eat for my body. I ignored the way I responded to the foods I was eating. After a long battle with my fat levels it finally dawned on me that the type of foods and how I was eating them played the major role in acquiring a toned fat free physique.

You can eat a diet full of mainstream healthy foods and still get fat. This can be down to:

Food intolerance
This leads to poor digestion and bloating. Grains, dairy and processed foods to name a few can be responsible for this.

Too many calories
Over eating is particularly bad for your fat levels if you eat infrequent meals and the wrong kind of calories.

Not balancing the ratio between the carbohydrates and protein
This habit provokes the fat storing mechanism and will keep you piling on the pounds regardless of your energy expenditure.

Eating nutritionally poor foods
If you eat processed food your body doesn’t get the nutrients from the food you eat therefore you will keep eating until you are satisfied because your body is looking for the nutrients.

Eating too soon after a meal
Not allowing ample time between meals is one way to stress the digestive system, good digestion is essential for fat loss.

My research took me to a place I would never have dreamed. The wholemeal bread, milk, low fat foods, anything processed, wheat and all the carbohydrates eaten without protein had to stop. These foods were causing havoc with my hormones and contributing to fat storage and poor digestion.

I didn’t change everything overnight because if I am completely honest I was a little sceptical. The information I was researching was new to me, so I decided to change a little at a time and couldn’t believe the response that followed.

I quickly developed more energy, tighter looking skin and a lot less overall body fat. I soon acquired the taste for other foods I hadn’t eaten for years and the variety of foods I included in a typical week sharply began to rise. This made me enthusiastic about eating and got rid of any fear I once held about certain foods.
Ways to swap the flab for firm muscles

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Can Sit Ups Or Any Other Kind of Exercises Really Help You Get a Six Pack?

Six Pack Tips & Answers
Exercise can be misleading to say the least, different kinds of exercises can have a different effect from one person to the next. One of the most common believes is that sit-ups or crunches will give you a six-pack because you are targeting the necessary muscles.

Take the religious gym user for instance; they do a six-pack workout regularly in the hope of reaching body transformation glory. Only to discover a few months or even years later they have made very little change in the abdominal area for all the time, sweat and sacrifice they have endured.

On the other hand some people of the same nature will look fantastic and their abs will compliment the time invested. This scenario translates to all types of exercises and workout routines.

Lets attempt to clear up why this happens. For starters people have different body shapes when they begin on any given exercise routine. Some may be a few pounds over weight and some by a few stone. This is one of many reasons why some people progress quicker than others.

Breaking this down further, some people may look the same shape but could have totally different body compositions. In other words you could have the same size clothes as your friend but have a greater percent of body fat and fat in more stubborn to shift areas on your body. It is even possible to weigh the same as your friend and still have a different body shape. The point I am trying to make is what seems like the same sometimes isn’t. It isn’t as clear-cut as we would like to think it is.

Other considerations to why some people achieve results quicker than others are to do with the levels of commitment to exercising. The perception of effort and intensity may differ from person to person giving some people a false sense of achievement with what they are doing. If you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough then you will probably never change your body shape with exercise. Contrary to that doing too much can be counter-productive to your goals.

Finally the most important piece of the puzzle is paying too much attention to the exercise regime and not enough to the diet. How many times do people rush in to a six-pack workout routine and neglect their diets? Wishing exercise will cancel out a poor diet is a disappointing experiment. Exercising on a whim and stuffing the face with the wrong foods for fat loss is something that will never work no matter how long or hard you exercise.
Six Pack Tips & Answers

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Advice You Should Read About Losing Weight – Tips to Overcome Diet Obstacles

If you follow these tips you can say goodbye to fat
Do you have a history of yoyo dieting and putting weight on easily? Unable to lose stubborn body fat? Does the diet and exercise thing haunt you and are you tired of it? I have observed peoples diet weaknesses and compiled a few tips to help you with issues and hard times.

Fuel the body with natural dense foods
Banish the cocktail of processed foods from your diet and begin to reap the benefits of real foods. Real foods are foods you find in the ground or on the tress, swim in the ocean or run in the wild. Real foods are heaving with natural goodness that your body needs for optimal health. No amount of processed foods in your diet dressed in synthetic vitamins is ever going to replace what you can get from nature. Once you replace all your processed foods with natural foods you will begin to unlock one of the first pathways to automatic fat loss.

Burn fat with weights, not with a hamster wheel
Muscle tissue is metabolically active, for every pound of muscle you add to your body you will burn an additional 50 calories. Don’t make the mistake of thinking low calorie diets and loads of cardiovascular exercise will help you drop weight or fat. It will make your situation worse in the long term because you risk losing calorie hungry muscle tissue. It isn’t possible to build muscle tissue with the type of cardiovascular exercises health clubs have made popular. Training with resistance is very important for your success and needs to be the priority in your exercise regime.

Forget calories, think nutrients
Your body only knows nutrients contrary to what you may believe. If you eat a slice of cake your body doesn’t scream oh no here comes 500 calories, then says to itself, not to worry because if I only get fed another 500 calories today everything will be all right. If this were the case there would be a lot more thin people especially those who live on low calorie diets. Listen very carefully to what I am spelling out here, calories in versus calories out is out of date science. It looks like the right thing on paper but in reality it doesn’t work.

Your body sees foods as chemicals and nothing more. If you get the balance wrong with processed foods or too many carbohydrates, proteins or fats then everything changes.

Before you know it the nutrients don’t get to where your body needs them and hormones are released to cope with the biological stress. This leads to muscle loss and a slow metabolism ending with you piling on the pounds. Grab your copy of Fat Loss Every 10 Days and begin dropping weight, fat and inches immediately. It comes with a peace of mind 60-day money back guarantee.
If you follow these tips you can say goodbye to fat

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Best Exercises and Tips to Lose Muffin Tops and Love Handles

Exercises for Muffin Tops and Love Handles
Muffin tops is a slang word to describe the overhanging flesh over waistbands. The unsightly look has become more noticeable in recent years due to fashions and the increase in obesity levels. The biggest part to losing the muffin top look and reducing the size of your love handles is the diet. If you make the right changes to your diet it will speed up fat loss and shrink the muffin top quicker than any stand-alone exercise.

When exercising, in order to drop body fat and change the shape of your midsection the best types of exercises are those that involve using as many muscles at once as possible. If you are unfamiliar with exercises there are different types of exercises, some work just one muscle group at once (isolation exercises) and others work multiple muscle groups. If you are moving just one joint in an exercise it is most likely going to be an isolation exercise.

You may be wondering why exercising using all of your body at once is going to work at reducing your muffin top. The more muscle groups involved in an exercise the greater the calorie demand. This has a knock on effect to speeding up your metabolism. That means after you have finished your exercises you will be burning more calories at rest.

Once you begin to reduce fat from around the waist there are some abdominal exercises that work better than others for toning the sides of the waist. These exercise involve you bending sideways. The muscles beneath the love handles are responsible for bending the body sideways. With this information in mind it is important to note that the popular abdominal exercises where you crunch your body forwards and back again will do very little to tone the muscles on the side of your waist.
Exercises for Muffin Tops and Love Handles

Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Get Rid Of Man Boobs Fast

How the Top Dieters Lose Fat
I have thousands of hours experience witnessing what works and what doesn’t work with different kinds of diets. Those who achieve the best results all have the same things in common and take action.

The top dieters have a clear idea of what they want. This ranges from the way they want to look like to how they want to feel once they have achieved their goal.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days! & How to get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days!

The most successful dieters decide how many weeks/months they want to achieve their goal in and set their minds to achieving it.

The dieters that get the quickest results know the exact reasons why they want to achieve their goal and then use the reasons to motivate themselves.

The dieters who seem to effortlessly lose fat are all familiar with the obstacles that could potentially stop them from achieving their goal and set about avoiding them at all costs.

You need to have substance, clarity and a clear-cut plan of action towards your goal. No one is going to get out of this world results plodding along at their own pace without any direction.

Here’s how I do it and countless others who have achieved amazing results in the shortest possible time. If you are not seeing results after 10 days then you need to change something. In my opinion if you don’t feel or look any different after following a certain approach for 10 days then you must be doing something wrong or not trying hard enough.

Divide your timescale into 10-day cycles and assess your speed of progress every 10 days. The more you do this the more you will become in tune with what works for your body and what works against it. You eventually end up with your very own blueprint for fat loss.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days! & How to get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days!
How the Top Dieters Lose Fat

Monday, November 2, 2009

3-Minute Abs Workout Plan – a Week to View Guide to Working Your Six Pack

Easy Routine to Work Your Six Pack
The 3-minute abs workout is a great way to work your abs intensely and the ultimate way to save heaps of time. But having a brilliant workout routine isn’t enough to get the results you want. You need to know the best way to use the workout so you get the best results from it. Following is what a typical week could look like when incorporating the 3-minute abs workout into your week.

I have based the example on a 5-day working week, Monday to Friday.

Just to recap the 3-minute abs workout is 2 to 3 abdominal exercises done for 30 seconds each back to back with no rest in between and repeated until 3 minutes workout time has been achieved.

It would be wise to have at least 2 different programmes, Workout 1A and Workout 1B. That means you will need to choose at least 4 to 6 different abdominal exercises in order to benefit from this workout to the fullest.

The example shows each day divided into 3 categories, minimum, medium and full commitment.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1B
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1B in the morning, workout 1A in the afternoon and back to workout 1B in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1B
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1B in the morning, workout 1A in the afternoon and back to workout 1B in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening. Click here to Get FREE Fat Loss Coaching.
Easy Routine to Work Your Six Pack

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ways to Burn More Calories at Work

Ways to Shred Fat at Work – Lose More Weight Doing the Same Job
Are you looking for a way to burn more calories without it interfering with your day-to-day work schedule? There are a number of ways to move around differently at work that will increase your body’s demand to use more calories. Thinking outside the box and changing some lazy habits can make all the difference between storing your last meal as fat and burning the fat from your body.

Lets take a look at some ways to increase your activity output at work.

If you don’t live far from work how about walking to work? If this sounds too overwhelming at first thought how about walking one way and getting a lift back? You could even break this down even more by walking alternative days until you get used to the idea. Not only is it good exercise for you but you are doing your bit for the environment too.

Talking of saving the environment, if you live several miles away from work and walking to work is out of the question you could opt for cycling to work instead. The same principles apply, you could try alternative days until you get used to the idea. Once you get into moving your body more the sooner you will crave more exercise.

For those who can’t avoid using transport to get to work don’t worry because there are ways to use more calories by using your feet more.

If you travel by bus you could get off at the stop before work and walk the rest of the way. The same applies when going home as well; get off the stop before home. This simple strategy could give you up to 3 hours more exercise each week.

If you drive to work you could leave your car a mile from work and walk the rest of the way. Or at least park it a few streets away. The best thing you could do with driving to work is organising a car sharing scheme where you take it in turns to drive a colleague to work and vice versa. The crunch is when it is your colleagues turn to pick you up you arrange to be picked up a mile from home and dropped off a mile from home at the end of the day giving you a reason to walk.

5 Ways to burn more calories at work
1. Take the stairs every time.
2. Get out and walk at lunchtimes.
3. Get on your feet when talking on the phone and walk.
4. Volunteer at every opportunity you get to get out of the office and take the stairs.
5. Volunteer for strenuous jobs whenever possible, in other words don’t be afraid to break into a sweat at work. Click to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches with a simple eating plan.
Ways to Shred Fat at Work – Lose More Weight Doing the Same Job

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lose a Pound a Day – You’ve Got To Be Joking – a Better Way to Lose Weight

A shortcut to extreme weight loss
Whenever I see an advert promising extreme weight loss in a short amount of time it makes me cringe at the thought of someone stepping on the scales each day and expecting weight to quickly drop off.

It is possible to transform your body shape without ever stepping on the scales. Regular weigh-ins doesn’t suit certain personalities. It takes a strong willed person to get weighed everyday and not let it faze them in any way shape or form. Everybody’s weight can fluctuate from day to day and from morning to night causing a negative impact on the person’s mind who regularly gets weighed.

The kind of people that have a history of daily weigh-ins and an addiction for wanting extreme weight loss and the pounds to drop off at all costs needs to stay the hell away from weighing scales. I would strongly recommend throwing them away for your own good.

Getting weighed everyday is not beneficial at all. If you do get weighed everyday, taking an average over a ten-day period is the most reliable way to do it. But this is only applicable if the variables are consistent.

So what is a better alternative to extreme weight loss? If you have the personality type that steers towards obsessive and living by numbers then you have to be completely honest with yourself, do you want numbers or do you want to look better?

The absolute best way to measure progress is to measure different parts of the body. Always take the measurements over the largest part of the body to keep the readings consistent. If you can’t be bothered to go through the motions of measuring different body parts every week or so then my next best recommendation would be to use the mirror for feedback or even taking photographs to track changes in your body shape.

Another way, which is the easiest and most unavoidable way to track whether or not you are losing weight, is to use the fitting of your clothes. Don’t forget to stay away from routine weigh-ins if you fall into the obsession category. That way you will be able to continue doing what you need to do to lose weight without any negativity getting in the way.
A shortcut to extreme weight loss

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to Make Your Own Energy Drink - Sugar Free

Power Tea - Here is How to Make Your Own Sports Drink
I have been scouting for alternatives to commercial sports and protein drinks for a while. The reason is because just about all energy drinks and protein drinks on the market are full of sweeteners and artificial additives. I don’t know about you but I don’t think drinking anything containing artificial ingredients at a time when your body needs the nutrients the most is going to benefit you short term and definitely not long term.

Click here to get Free Fat Loss Tips

Here is how to make Power Tea
This tea can be used for anyone and not just athletes. One of the main ingredients is Gelatin, Gelatin from Beef is the preferred choice but unless you live in the U.S.A. it can be difficult to get hold of. At the time of writing this I am not aware of anyone in the E.U. selling Gelatin from Beef. If anyone reading this knows anyone who supplies Gelatin from Beef in Europe please leave a comment below.

To make Power Tea dissolve one to two level tablespoons of Great Lakes Gelatin per cup of boiling water. If you prefer you could mix it into a little water at room temperature just before adding the boiling water.

You can flavour the tea with ginger; ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory herb. Or you could use peppermint herbal tea or both. You can also add half a tablespoon of coconut oil with each tea.

On the other hand you don’t need to do either, you can just drink it straight. Power tea can be consumed 3 times daily and a way to make it convenient is to make a thermos with 3 cups in the morning and drink it throughout the day.

Power tea builds strong and powerful ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscle. It can also help enhance mental and emotional power. The tea is complete protein and high in amino acids, your body will be able to absorb and make the most of all of it.

Click here to get Free Fat Loss Tips

If you are a lean athlete in intensive training you may add 2 teaspoons of dextrose per cup of Power Tea.

Thanks to Dr. Cliff Oliver for the information to compile this article. Click here to get Free Fat Loss Tips
How to Make Your Own Sports Drink

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How to Get Rid of Man Boobs Fast

There is a way to eat for fat loss
If you want to achieve fat loss and get rid of man boobs fast you need to follow certain steps like anything else in life. There is a way and a system for just about everything and dieting and exercising is no exception. Below is my list of essential things to do to lose stubborn body fat fast.

Drink plenty of mineral water
Water is the best drink you can have without a doubt. Water helps to cleanse the body and supports good health.

Only eat non-processed foods
The next time you pick up a packet of food, look at the ingredients and see if you can pronounce the ingredients, chances are you can’t. This is common with processed foods today, they contain artificial ingredients and additives that can make you toxic and give your digestive system a hard time. The last thing you want if you want to be healthy and have low body fat levels. You can’t beat natural foods found in nature.

Don’t drink pasteurised milk
Commercial milk contains antibiotics and growth hormones. The pasteurisation process kills the important enzymes as well as destroying vitamins and amino acids. Lactose intolerance, which is common food intolerance, prevents the body from digesting milk sugars. There is no real value to drinking pasteurised milk and has no place in a fat loss programme.

Avoid sugar
Avoid sugar especially artificial sweeteners found in processed foods and drinks. Eating sugar creates a never-ending roller coaster ride for hormones such as insulin and cortisol, both fat storing hormones.

Cut out all wheat
Wheat and foods containing gluten can be very hard to digest and intolerance to this can cause gut inflammation as well as other allergy troubles. Try eliminating gluten for 30 days to see what difference it makes to the way you look and feel.

Don’t drink alcohol
Drinking alcohol has some of the same traits has eating sugar, it is rapidly absorbed and effects blood sugar levels. Alcohol is empty calories that have no nutritional benefit whatsoever to your body. If you drink alcohol near meal times it can serve as a blocking agent to certain vitamins and minerals.

Eliminate all caffeine
It is not only your morning coffee that contains caffeine but sports drinks too. Caffeine has an effect on blood sugar levels and can cause cravings and the release of fat storing hormones. Decaffeinated coffee isn’t any better either, decaf drinks tend to have more pesticides than regular coffee.

Eat organic whenever possible
Organic food is natural, the way it should be without any interference from mankind. When food is organic it is clean and full of nutrients without the chemicals or drugs used in conventional farming. Our bodies can digest and assimilate organic food easier and it doesn’t pollute our insides at the same time. Start today and achieve fat loss and get rid of man boobs fast.
There is a way to eat for fat loss

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How to Get Rid Of Man Boobs Before Your Next Birthday

Do You Want to Look Slimmer Before Your Next Birthday?

No one I know is immune to the following:

Processed food
Junk food
Consuming excessive calories
Eating the wrong kind of calories
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not managing stress levels

Very few of us can get away with contributing zero time to regular exercise and eat any type of calories and still look good. I would say less than 1% of the population but bear in mind that this lucky 1% won’t have the health benefits of someone who exercises and eats healthily. If you want to Get Rid Of Man Boobs and look your best it is absolutely essential you know which foods to eat and apply it to your lifestyle in order to be able to enjoy all the benefits.

On the other side of the coin you could still be unhealthy if you follow eating guidelines that are wrong for your body type no matter who tells you otherwise. In some cases you could even be worse off for exercising by doing too much than someone who doesn’t do any at all. What I am trying to get across is that the answer is always in front of your eyes, if you are not happy with the way you look it is highly likely that your current eating plan or lifestyle is wrong for you. If it works for someone else it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Many people spend years doing the same thing over and over again without getting the results they want, in my mind this is madness. There are always reasons for not achieving results and there will always be alternatives to try.

But how many people actually try different approaches before quitting?

Exercising or eating a certain way and not changing in anyway, shape or form is a sign to wake up and time to take a reality check. See if any of the actions below are familiar to you.

Deprived sleep
Living on stimulants
Skipping breakfast
Eating processed food
Eating junk food
Not drinking enough water
Consuming excessive calories
Consuming the wrong calories
Extreme dieting
High stress levels
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not doing any resistance type movements
Binge eating
Binge drinking
Prioritising the wrong kind of exercises
Doing too much exercise with not enough rest

Any of the above can lead to a poor body image and a negative state of mind. The sooner you can change your lifestyle the sooner you will Get Rid Of Man Boobs.
Do You Want to Look Slimmer Before Your Next Birthday?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Different Ways to Lose Man Boobs

How to lose stubborn Man Boobs

Dieters always assume if they are not achieving fat loss the reasons must be food related. This may be the case for some people but I can assure you that there are other reasons other than food for lacking progress with shifting stubborn weight and fat.

Lets look at two of them.

Glossy magazines and the media
The kind of magazines I am talking about is the kind that heavily feature celebrities. In these magazines you can find unattainable body shapes and unhealthy diet crazes. One look at these magazines is enough to throw anyone off course and feel inferior. Just how healthy do you think these stick insect celebrities actually are?

The media is responsible for distorting and cherry picking health and fitness related information in order to gain your attention so they can stay in business by selling more copies. It is very important to be cautious when reading and using advice in these publications. The full picture is seldom discussed in the magazine or newspaper article. It is best for you and your fat loss goals if you steer away from these publications for your own good. If a diet sounds too good to be true it normally means it isn’t true and is just made up to make it sound interesting.

Social support
Are you running out of motivation and steam? Let me tell you from experience having a good set of friends and family around you is essential for successful fat loss. You need to tell those closest to you what your intentions are so you can gain their support during your journey. Sharing conversations about your goals and the difficulties you face can be the best thing you can do to motivate yourself towards the fat loss you want. More often than not a problem shared is a problem solved.

The more open you are the more support you will receive; you may even encourage and gain a diet buddy along the way. Those that try and do things on their own and shut themselves off from the outside world are more likely to fail due to the lack of support. Don’t be a statistic, be a success and share your goals.
How to lose stubborn Man Boobs

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Get Rid Of Man Boobs in 15 Minutes

Fast Workouts To Get Rid Of Man Boobs
The thought of doing any kind of exercise turns many people off because of the impression it can have. If you don’t know any different then you would assume it is a long drawn out process only suited for nut cases with nothing else better to do. What if I told you that exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring? Would you be interested if I showed you a way to make exercise challenging but over before you knew it? Better still, what if I told you the way I’m about to show you to exercise is more beneficial than probably 97% of what anybody else is doing in the gym right now. It only takes 15 minutes so even the busiest people can’t make excuses with this one.

This exercise routine is really simple, once you are fully warmed up this is what you do.

Choose two exercises
Decide which areas you want to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches from and choose the correct kind of exercises accordingly.

Tip: choose multi joint exercises when applicable. This will burn more calories and give you a better response.

Legs = squats, lunges or leg curls using a ball.
Back = dead lifts, bent over rowing or alternating superman.
Chest = press ups, dumbbell press or presses and chest fly on a ball.

Considerations for the abs only workouts
You may decide to use this routine format for just training the abs. In which case be careful not to opt for the same movement pattern.

Tip: there are three planes of movement, make sure to include 2 different ones when training the abs so you achieve a balanced look.

Crunch type exercises = forwards and backwards.
Side bends and other oblique exercises = moving sideways.
Wood chops = rotational movement.

Once you decide which exercises you are going to do to Get Rid Of Man Boobs work them to their fullest potential for 15 minutes.

Do the first exercise for 30 seconds followed immediately by the second exercise for another 30 seconds then take a rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this 10 times which will give you a 15-minute workout. Beware it looks easy on paper but is very challenging.

Tip: use a digital stopwatch to time yourself. I have found it to be easier to monitor where you are and you don’t need to count how many rounds you have done because you simply stop when the clock reads 15 minutes.
Fast Workouts To Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Sane Way to Diet and Lose Stubborn Fat On Your Chest

How To Eat Yourself Thin
Eating a well-balanced healthy diet can become a bit of a chore especially when you have to fit all the recommended nutrients and the five a day into a normal busy day. It can be difficult to say the least even for the most dedicated individual. Most of us are aware that cutting calories to a ridiculously low level and skipping meals isn’t the right way to lose weight.

Eating the right type of calories frequently is essential to weight loss programmes. The more calories you cut the more stress it is for your body. Did you know your body would eat itself if you didn’t feed it? All your hormones would become out of flux, fat-storing hormones would increase and the body would tell your thyroid to slow down, as a natural protective mechanism for the body to keep what little fuel it has to live on and survive.

The choices of foods are just as important as the amounts you eat. Time constraints and practicality can tempt many of us to live on processed junk food. So what is the best solution? Planning the next day’s meals in advance is the key, preparing the night before if necessary and using the convenience of food supplements in your daily diet if and when you need to. To help keep hunger at bay until meal times a meal replacement drink mid morning or mid afternoon is practical and achievable for just about anyone. That is just one way you could get nutrients your body needs and help keep the metabolism fire burning.

Caution needs to be applied to food supplements; many contain high amounts of sugars and artificial sweeteners. Choose one with low sugar contents. Only rely on food supplements when time doesn’t allow you to eat a solid meal, food is more thermogenic than liquid meals. Always favour a liquid meal over skipping a meal though as it is more likely to prevent you from heading over to the vending machine.

When planning meals careful selection is necessary with food quality and also with the amounts you eat. The ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate per meal is dictated by your response to that meal afterwards. Unwanted side effect such as feeling tired, bloated or hungry should be recorded in a food log so adjustments can be made the next time you eat that meal. From there you will be able to modify the meal and keep fine-tuning it until you get a positive response and a sense what works best for your body. Everyone responds differently at a biochemical level to the same foods so it is important to discover what works best for you.

The key is to try and eat a wide selection of foods every week, eating the same meals day in day out can be boring and detrimental to your digestive system. The correct selection of foods that suits your body and passes on a good response after the meal is highly recommended.
How To Eat Yourself Thin

Saturday, September 26, 2009

More Exercise Tips To Get Perfect Pecs

How To Get Perfect Pecs

#1 Rotate exercises
Think of exercises a bit like your diet, the more variety the better. I once learnt in a lecture that a typical person eats no more than 12 different kinds of food in a typical week. Do you do the same with exercise selection by doing the same exercises week in and week out? If so, then it is time to shock your body by going for a response, this involves rotating your exercises frequently. Keep in mind that there are many alternatives to the standard exercises; although you are basically doing the same movement you can change the response by using different tools and methods. There are less chances of suffering from ‘overuse injuries’ if you regularly rotate your exercises.

A Diet For Perfect Pecs

#2 Do not rush but do not daydream either
How many people rush their reps? Have a look around the next time you’re in the gym; chances are they are lifting more weight than they are capable of lifting or practising sloppy manoeuvres because they haven’t been shown the proper way. Don’t get me wrong there is a place for fast reps in strength training programmes but they must be performed in a safe and correct way. Now take a note of how long people rest in-between sets, even if this is a woman that looks like she needs to lose weight; I can bet you that she is resting minutes before doing the next set. It surprises me how many people on weight loss and toning programmes do this, they are resting far too long. They are taking the same amount of rest needed to achieve a 3-5-rep max. In other words they are having the same rest as someone following a power lifting routine. To achieve more intensity in your workouts decrease the rest time between sets. It is normally the first variable I introduce in a programme to increase the overall intensity.

#3 Train hard and rest hard
Workouts should be intense and short; whatever method you use it should keep your heart rate elevated and breathing increased whilst resting between exercises. Workouts should also be structured and have a purpose. Rest outside the gym is just as important as the workout in order to progress and reach your goal. Rushing around all day stressed will do you no good especially if you are training the same day. How can you train hard if your body hasn’t had the chance to rest from the last workout you did? For best results never allow your mind to be preoccupied full of stressful issues before a workout.

A Diet For Perfect Pecs

#4 Use tricks for a rapid response
There are many principles to use to make a workout more beneficial and generate quicker results. But how many people actually think of using them? Those that do probably overuse them and spoil the impact they can have. When response to a workout isn’t progressing as quick as it should then different principles like super sets, drop sets, pre-exhaust, negatives and rest-pause can make a massive difference to overall results.
How To Get Perfect Pecs

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Exercise Tips You Must Try If You Want To Transform Your Chest

How to Exercise to Get Rid of Man Boobs
Clocking in at the gym and putting the time in doesn’t mean you are going to end up with the body of your dreams. Forget marathon type workouts where they only allow you to exercise half-heartedly. It is time to stop guessing and living your life in hope of waking up one day and miraculously discovering the abs you have always wanted. You must try different approaches to get the best results. You are expecting too much if you think the same exercise routine will give you everything you want. It is important to modify and experiment with different exercise routines as you go along or you will never reach your goal.

Want Guaranteed Fat Loss on Your Chest? =>Click Here to Find Out More<=

Here are some of the best ways to stop your body adapting to what you are doing and keep progress running smoothly.

#1 Assess strengths and weaknesses
Before you start do you know which muscles are tight in your body and need stretching? Do you know if other muscles are compensating when you perform a movement because of a weakness in the chain? Do you know which exercises will make your posture or pain worse? How do you know you are doing the right exercises that are right for your body? These are just some of the questions that need answering before embarking on a regular exercise programme.

#2 Train intense but keep it real
This means training within your capabilities that allows a minimum of a good technique on everything you do. This mainly points to lifting a weight that is too heavy, doing part of the range of movement or doing more reps than you can manage resulting in quick and poorly performed reps. Good reps are real reps; you can either work the body part the exercise is designed for or take the stress away from the body part by performing a poor rep, it’s as simple as that.

#3 Include big movements in your workout
Multi joint exercises work more muscles and burn more calories than isolation exercises. Most pieces of gym equipment cater for working only one or two muscles at a time. Performing multi joint exercises like squats and bent over rows correctly have the best carry over effect that helps you in work, sports and many of life’s tasks.

#4 Use gravity
Have you noticed the physiques of gymnasts? You will never see overweight or out of shape gymnast, that’s because training against gravity is one of the best things you can do to look your best. The feedback I get from clients that do bodyweight exercises within their exercise routines report how challenging and how much effort they take to perform. Make sure to include gravity-based exercises in your exercise programme. You can start off basic by doing floor exercises and work up to more demanding exercises where you push or pull your bodyweight with your feet off the ground. Want Guaranteed Fat Loss on Your Chest? =>Click Here To Find Out More<=
How to Exercise to Get Rid of Man Boobs

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How To Have A Challenging Workout Using Light Dumbbells At Home

Exercises for Man Boobs
There is a way of achieving muscle fatigue if all you have are a pair of light dumbbells kicking around in your spare room. As long as you stick to some guidelines you will be able to feel the burn with all your workouts.

Here are the rules:

#1 Choose isolation exercises
#2 Perform high repetitions
#3 Use a short rest between each set

Get the diet GUARANTEED to Get Rid Of Man Boobs.

If you have a pair of adjustable dumbbells, ones where you are able to make one heavy dumbbell from the two opt for single limb exercises to achieve more intensity when possible.

Example exercises using dumbbells:

Squats, progress to split squat or lunges. Advanced option is to squat, curl and overhead press or squat holding the dumbbells overhead.

Dumbbell Chest fly - with back on the floor.
Press ups – no weights required.

Get the diet GUARANTEED to Get Rid Of Man Boobs.

Bent over rowing holding the body in static bent over position and bringing the dumbbells to the side of the chest.
Upright rowing – row the dumbbells as high as the collarbone.

Side raises followed by overhead pressing.
Bent over side raise.

Curls and hammer curls.

Triceps extension - with back on the floor.
Close grip press ups. No weights required.

Seated reverse wood chops.
Abdominal crunches holding the dumbbells with straight arms directly above the chest.

Repetition range:
Don’t be afraid to try anything up to 50 repetitions per exercise. Just because you are lifting light dumbbells doesn’t mean you can rush the set. Never sacrifice proper training technique no matter what the circumstances are. A strict training technique makes the targeted muscle group work harder and brings quicker results.

Recommended sets and rest:
If you choose to work on one exercise at a time and you are doing over 15 repetitions because of the light dumbbells it is recommended to rest no more than 60 seconds before you repeat the set. Depending on how difficult the next sets are will determine if you can afford to shave seconds from your rest time in between sets.

For best results at least 2-3 sets per exercises is required to create a training response.

An example legs, chest and abs workout using light dumbbells:

50 bodyweight squats
No rest and immediately followed by
25 dumbbell squats
Up to 60 seconds rest and repeat until 2-4 rounds are completed.

25-50 Chest flies
No rest and immediately followed by
Press-ups to failure
Up to 60 seconds rest and repeat until 2-4 rounds are completed.

Seated reverse wood chops – up to 30 each side
No rest and immediately followed by
Up to 30 abdominal crunches holding the dumbbells with straight arms directly above the chest
Up to 60 seconds rest and repeat until 2-4 rounds are completed.

Get the diet GUARANTEED to Get Rid Of Man Boobs.
Exercises for Man Boobs

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

10 Quick Breakfast Options For Fat Loss

Eat Yourself Thin
Eating breakfast is very important for fat loss goals and to help LOSE WEIGHT, FAT & INCHES because it helps break the fast and kick-starts the metabolism. Maintaining a healthy metabolism so it keeps running smoothly is essential for burning calories. Here is a rundown of my favourite recipes for a simple and quick breakfast. They contain friendly ingredients that work with your body and not against it. Note the absence of processed foods and sugar.

1. Smoothie- natural yoghurt with a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, add hand full of any berries and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil or hand full of almonds. Blend with a little water.

2. Egg omelet served with raw spinach.

3. Cottage cheese served with blueberries.

4. Smoked salmon served with watercress, tomato and sliced cucumber.

5. Gluten free pancakes with ghee butter on top, served with blueberries and double cream.

6. Boiled eggs served with lightly steamed asparagus wrapped in ham.

7. Scrambled eggs served on wheat free toast.

8. Crab meat and shrimp mixed with sour cream and wrapped in an egg omelet. Serve with wheat free toast.

9. Duck liver pate served with wheat free toast and watercress.

10. Cold cuts of meat served with salad.

I used to eat the same boring breakfasts for years because I thought it was healthy for me but I didn’t know any better because the foods I was eating were all classed as health foods. I fell into the trap of eating grains, and then more grains until I was eating a massive bowl of porridge oats every morning just so I wouldn’t feel hungry soon after my breakfast.

I researched nutrition and how to LOSE WEIGHT, FAT & INCHES intensively and discovered that each individual burns calories at different speeds and our ability to digest different foods differs from person to person. That means you could eat the same diet as your twin and one of you could be overweight and feel rubbish whilst the other looks and feels a picture of health.

Most grains are difficult to digest for most of the population and consequences to this start an uphill battle for weight control. Imagine putting something in your body everyday that your digestive system is unable to digest properly. What do you think happens when you do this? What normally follows are stomach distension, wind, gas and an inability to digest other nutrients and a battle of the bulge.

Take my advice and try eating a breakfast away from the traditional commercial variety to see if it makes a difference to your waistline and the ability to LOSE WEIGHT, FAT & INCHES.
Eat Yourself Thin

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why You Can’t Get A Six Pack With A Low Calorie Diet

The Quickest Way To Get A Six Pack & Get Rid Of Man Boobs
There are many reasons why low calorie diets will never work for long-term results but very few people ever get to know about them. A low calorie diet is probably the first thing that pops into the head of someone wanting to lose weight or tone up the abdominal area. For many people it can be frustrating to think how a low calorie diet could fail to lose weight and reduce fat. This is only because they haven’t had the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of the human body and how different foods can influence the ability to LOSE WEIGHT, REDUCE FAT & DROP INCHES.

Every time we eat something it has an effect on our metabolism, metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. The quicker your metabolism runs the more calories you burn. Eating regular meals increases metabolism and so does exercise. Some exercises are more beneficial than others for burning calories during and after the workout.

Skipping meals and restricting calories disrupts the metabolism and slows down the rate your body burns calories. This kind of lifestyle is destructive to fat loss goals and psychologically damages your relationship with food at all sorts of levels. It is essential to get a good balance of nutrients and let go of any fear you may have about eating certain foods because they are high in calories.

It is not just calories that make people fat it is the type of calories that matter. Counting calories won’t make any difference if your diet is made up of mostly processed foods, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and grains.

Your body is nature’s most ingenious design that has developed and adjusted itself for the sake of surviving through evolution. That is why when you begin to restrict calories it automatically assumes there is a famine coming and stores what little food you do eat into the fat cells. In other words the good news is if it didn’t do this we wouldn’t have survived for so long as a species but the bad news is it is at the expense of more and bigger fat cells. Following a diet with restricted calories will make it very difficult if not impossible to LOSE WEIGHT, REDUCE FAT & DROP INCHES from problem areas on your body.

Every time you imitate a famine you make it harder in the future to restore your normal metabolic rate. You are also more likely to develop sweet cravings because of the poor blood sugar management caused by the infrequent eating. You can quickly see how one thing leads to another and a viscous circle of yoyo dieting is inevitable. Every time you put your body through this ride you end up with more fat storing hormones.

To LOSE WEIGHT, REDUCE FAT & DROP INCHES permanently it is important to start looking at the type of calories you consume. Gone are the days of starving yourself in the hope of a quick fix solution. Everyone needs a good selection of essential fatty acids, organic vegetables, free-range meats and proteins in their diets. You need to move towards the opposite side of malnourishment and eat frequently to be on a fat loss winner. Never allow yourself to go hungry in between meals; eating a well balanced diet doesn’t qualify you to eat low calories. Doing that wouldn’t keep the metabolism running optimally to see fat loss.
The Quickest Way To Get A Six Pack & Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Get Perfect Abs

The Best Way To Train Abs
If you are on a mission to get perfect abs you will need to start following some key strategies outside the box of conventional training methods. Millions are spent annually in marketing the latest gadgets for training abs and food supplements for far loss with the objective to tempt the vulnerable into thinking there is a quick fix to achieving six pack abs. The quick fix solutions for perfect abs are to stop relying on gimmicks and begin to look at your own lifestyle habits.


Believe it or not doing abdominal exercises isn’t the quickest way to get a six-pack. As you read on you will discover it isn’t as straightforward as tiring yourself out doing tons of crunches. It is also worth noting that anyone can transform a flabby tummy into a set of toned abs as long as they follow certain actions.

The first step is to get a reality check on your lifestyle. If you wake tired and drink coffee all day then the first thing you need to do is go to bed earlier. A good nights sleep is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health, it is often overlooked for achieving optimal physical condition and may be the missing link in getting the abs you desire. It is a necessity rather than an option to have a good night sleep; we release certain hormones for physical repair between 10pm and 2am and specific hormones for psychological repair between 2am and 6am. If you fail to refill your energy account every night with undisturbed sleep you greatly enhance the aging process and reduce your chances of being able to lose body fat.


Drinking adequate amounts of water ranks in number one position for nutritional importance for FAT LOSS & PERFECT ABS.
Drink mineral water everyday, drinking water in-between meals and at room temperature is the best way.

The next step then is to stop eating processed foods. The next time you pick up food in a packet look at the ingredients and see if you can pronounce the ingredients, if you can’t don’t let it inside your body. Processed foods contain artificial ingredients and additives that can make you toxic and give your digestive system a hard time. The last thing you need if you want low body fat levels.

Other foods to eliminate for perfect abs is sugar, wheat, alcohol and all caffeine. Once your diet if free from these kinds of foods then you can worry about exercise selection for your abs. The best exercises to get perfect abs are the ones that enable you to progress with levels of difficulty with either your bodyweight as resistance or resistance from some kind of exercise equipment.

For best results it is best to concentrate on only a few abdominal exercises in any one workout. Don’t make the mistake of spreading yourself out too thinly by doing too many exercises and only putting in half the effort.
The Best Way To Train Abs

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fat Burning Cardio Workout Myth

You can’t out train a bad diet
If you asked any group of people including doctors, physical therapist and most personal trainers which type of exercise is the best for burning unwanted body fat 99% would say cardiovascular training or cardio for short. Cardio training are exercises like jogging, running, bike riding, rowing and other repetitive movements you see people doing on pieces of fancy looking gym equipment. I have years of experience witnessing the lack of results people achieve doing cardio workouts for fat loss goals. I also have dozens of opinions through research and personal experience to back it up.

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I have personally done cardio training in the past under strict conditions whilst keeping my calorie intake and non-cardio training frequency consistent. The cardio workouts I have tried and tested were training at 60% of my maximum heart rate, training at 80% of my maximum heart rate and interval training. All the cardio workouts lasted for at least 20 minutes. I need to emphasise that I gave each type of workout a chance by giving them ample time by doing them for months at a time rather than for weeks. I did this to see if I got any sort of response and waited to see if my body fat levels or body weight would change but it never did. In other words I spent years wasting my time and effort on different kinds of cardiovascular workouts when all I needed was strength training and quality nutrition rather than focus on calories and miles.

What does this tell you about cardio training for your goals? If someone with a calorie controlled and healthy diet exercising six times a week can’t achieve any kind of results with cardio workouts how do you think you will do?

Just to prove I was working hard enough all the cardio workouts I did always made me sweat giving me a false sense of security that something positive was happening to me. The interval training workouts were extremely challenging and always leaved me in a state of heavy and out of controlled breathing halfway through the workout till the end. But unfortunately for me I never saw any results for all the hard work I was putting in.

You have to ask yourself where the cardio myth originated and who perpetuated it. Cardio training is actually out of date science, it works to a degree in theory but when you study it carefully it is only marginally successful for weight and fat loss and for many of us can have a reverse effect on body fat levels.

Health clubs and gyms have helped to add fuel to the cardio myth for years and even decades. When you walk into any gym in the world all you will see are rows and rows of cardio training equipment neatly presented. These are there for the clubs benefit and not yours. They give an image that the gym has an answer to your goals and all you have to do is use them. If all they had were dumbbells, Swiss balls and other functional equipment on the gym floor no one would want to join the gym because they wouldn’t have a clue what to do with them. It is in the gyms best interest to encourage its members to use the cardio equipment because they are easy to use and they can spend as little time as possible on customer service. This works a treat for keeping gyms and health clubs overheads down with staffing and makes their job a lot easier. But it also has an advantage on a psychological level too, gyms know if their members spend their visit using cardio equipment they will feel like they have done something strenuous just like I used to feel after a cardio workout.

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Maybe the fitness industry ended up like this because of pressure from the equipment manufacturers. The manufacturers could be behind the biggest fat loss myth in history. To name just a few different pieces of cardio kit like the treadmills, bikes and stairmaster they all have one thing in common, they all have moving parts and eventually need replacements giving the manufactures recurring revenue. The recurring revenue from barbells, weight plates and functional equipment is much more infrequent then that of cardio equipment. New and updated models of cardio equipment are released every year and the once new treadmill with the TV screen can very quickly look outdated a bit like used cars. No up and coming gym wants to show a potential member around their facilities with old-fashioned looking cardio equipment or equipment showing a lot of wear and tear. They want the latest brand new hi tech designs to give the impression they are more modern and more effective than their rivals.

I hope you can now see how this vicious circle will be hard to break and how the cardio myth gets perpetuated in the industry. In part 2 of this article I will compare the effectiveness of cardio training versus strength training for weight and fat loss goals. Click Here to Discover What to Eat to Get Rid Of Man Boobs.
You can’t out train a bad diet

Friday, August 28, 2009

The 15 Minute Chest And Core Fat Loss Workout For Home Or Gym

15 Minute Fat Loss Workout
Time constraints for most people in today’s fast living world often leave little time for exercise. The huge misunderstandings people have about the length of time required for exercise to make it worthwhile are usually a long way from accurate. These misconceptions gives the weaker disciplined individual an excuse and discourages those who want to exercise because they feel like they don’t have enough time.

There is a way to make the most of what little time you have and profit in health and fitness whilst changing the shape of your body with a 15 MINUTE FAT LOSS WORKOUT.

This approach consists of just two exercises for each workout and involves exercises that will train the core and challenge the nervous system and elevate the metabolism. When the resistance is challenging enough this approach to exercise can add lean muscle mass too.

The method of the 15 MINUTE FAT LOSS WORKOUT requires a warm up of about 5 minutes followed by gentle stretches for the tightest muscles in the body. These are commonly leg and chest stretches. A shoulder girdle warm-up with light dumbbells is done after the warm up with two rounds of ten reps for each exercise of side raises, bicep curls and shoulder presses. This should be enough to get the body ready for the workout ahead.

The aim of the 15 MINUTE FAT LOSS WORKOUT is to do 10-12 reps on both exercises straight after each other followed by a rest of no more than 30 seconds. The plan is to strive for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes without breaking form and dropping below 8 reps.

The same resistance must be used on all the sets for the workout. You need to select a weight that allows you to perform 12 reps on the first round of exercises. If you can only manage 2 or 3 rounds before dropping below 8 reps stop the workout and continue to progress the next time with a little less starting weight. For intermediates and advanced trainers a 10-20-rep window maybe preferred.

Before you begin, a warm up set for the first exercise is recommended, this should be around 50% of the weight you will be using for all your sets. Strong individuals using heavy weights should do a staggered warm up, for example 50%, 65%, and 75% of the working weight.

Exercise #1 Swiss Ball Dumbbell Chest Fly
Place the head and shoulders on a Swiss Ball, look up to the ceiling keeping the chin up so the neck stays in a neutral position. Place the feet apart for a good base of support and bring the belly button towards the spine and hold it there to keep the core muscles activated throughout the set.

Starting with the dumbbells above the chest, slowly allow both arms to slightly bend and lower to roughly shoulder height or when you reach a position where you feel a stretch in the chest muscles. Once they have reached this point return to the start position in a smooth tempo. Keep the dumbbells above the chest and not above the head in the start position. Maintain a straight body on the ball throughout the set by keeping the hips held high and backside muscles tensed.

Exercise #2 Swiss Ball Push Jack Knife
Begin with your feet on top of the Swiss Ball and hands on the floor in a push up position, holding a neutral spine and with the head in line with the spine begin to extend the arms pushing the body away from the floor keeping the tummy drawn in at all times.

When the arms are fully extended smoothly flex the hips until the thighs are vertical making sure not to round the back then immediately return the legs to the straight position as smoothly as possible.

Bend the elbows and drop into the push up starting position and continue the set. There shouldn’t be any breaks in the tempo and each rep should be moderate in speed. Beginners can place more shins on the ball or just do the leg movement part of the exercise. If it is still too difficult you could place a small Swiss Ball under your chest for support or if you don’t have a small Swiss Ball you could use a slightly deflated ball there instead.

The options to progress on this way of training would be to either shorten the rest time in between rounds enabling you to achieve more rounds in the 15 minute window or to increase the resistance so the desired reps are more challenging to reach on every round.
15 Minute Fat Loss Workout

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Learn If Genetically Modified Foods Are Creeping Into Your Diet

How To Improve Your Diet & Get Rid Of Man Boobs
When a food is genetically modified it is for the benefit of resistance against insects, herbicides or to make it taste better. No research or studies have ever been done with humans to show what genetically modified foods can do to our health so you could say humans are the guinea pigs in an ongoing experiment.

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The genetic engineering that takes place can introduce allergens to the food and lower the nutritional value, for example some soybeans are genetically engineered with the genes from a brazil nut to improve the taste. It doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to realise that someone with a nut allergy could end up in serious trouble consuming this particular kind of food.

According to the book ‘Total Health Programme’ by Dr Mercola- corn is only second to soybeans for the most genetically modified crop in the U.S. This is alarming news for people with poor eating habits, as they tend to over consume corn especially as it is present in many processed foods. Processed corn products such as corn syrup, fructose, corn oil, corn meal, corn starch, dextrose, monosodium glutamate, xanthan gum and maltodextrin are widely used and commonly used as sweeteners in everyday products like soft drinks, fruit drinks, cookies, confectionary and tons of other processed foods.

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Did you know commercially raised cows are fed high amounts of corn as part of their diet? Depending which country you live in will determine whether the beef on your plate lived on a diet of genetically modified corn or not. If it did you are unknowingly allowing genetically modified food to creep into your diet. This is one reason why organic and grass fed meats are much healthier and more nutritionally dense opposed to the commercially fed variety.

Some people are sceptical about the organic food movement and think it is a rip off paying more money for the same food. Always remember with organic foods you are paying for your health and not for a brand name. Organic food has always been here. There was once a time when all food was organic before modern farming practises involving chemicals, antibiotics and drugs were introduced to the food chain. It is important for you to adopt the idea of thinking about the food on your plate and whether you prefer eating natural organic food the way Mother Nature intended it to be or if you want to eat food that has been manipulated in some sort of way and can be potentially detrimental to your health.
How To Improve Your Diet & Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Friday, August 21, 2009

Fat Loss Breakfast To Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Fat Loss Breakfast
The nations favourite and most popular breakfast foods are breakfast cereals. The problem with breakfast cereals is that they are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have an insulin provoking effect that can cause weight gain and prevent you from LOSING FAT. To stabilise blood sugar levels protein and good fats need to be consumed alongside carbohydrates. Following are tips on how to add protein and good fats to your favourite breakfast cereal. This will not only give you a balanced diet with less of an insulin response but will also satisfy you for longer between meals.

The minimum you need for a FAT LOSS BREAKFAST is to make sure you are not eating sugarcoated cereals with hydrogenated oil. Hydrogenated oil is used as a preservative to save the food company money by giving the cereal a longer shelf life. They are very unhealthy for your arteries and increase the size of your fat cells.

The next best thing you need for a FAT LOSS BREAKFAST is to eat gluten free cereals for easier digestion. Wheat and foods containing gluten can be very hard to digest and intolerance to these foods can cause gut inflammation as well as other allergies. Try eliminating gluten for 30 days to see if it makes a difference to the way you look and feel.

The easiest ways to add protein to cereals is to mix 1-2 scoops of whey protein powder to natural yoghurt and a little water. This is your milk substitute. Including a tbsp of flaxseed oil or flaxseed powder will add some good fat to the meal.

When eating a FAT LOSS BREAKFAST I prefer wholegrain puffed rice cereals, these are gluten free and sugar free with no nasty artificial ingredients. I mix whey protein with natural yoghurt; I use different flavoured yoghurts for variety. I then add a little water to make the yoghurt a little runny. You could use Greek yoghurt for a creamier taste. I always add flaxseed oil; I use organic oil for premium quality. This is the best way I have found to eat breakfast cereals for a more satisfying feeling and a much healthier way than the traditional method of adding pasteurised milk.

The pasteurisation process kills the important enzymes as well as destroying vitamins and amino acids. Commercial milk contains antibiotics and growth hormones. Lactose intolerance, which is common food intolerance, prevents the body from digesting milk sugars. Milk causes an estimated 50% of the adult population’s bloating, gas, cramping and diarrhoea. What about getting calcium in the diet? It is possible to obtain all your calcium from dark green vegetables, where do you think the cow get theirs from? Yoghurt contains more calcium than milk and is easier to assimilate.
Fat Loss Breakfast