Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ways to Burn More Calories at Work

Ways to Shred Fat at Work – Lose More Weight Doing the Same Job
Are you looking for a way to burn more calories without it interfering with your day-to-day work schedule? There are a number of ways to move around differently at work that will increase your body’s demand to use more calories. Thinking outside the box and changing some lazy habits can make all the difference between storing your last meal as fat and burning the fat from your body.

Lets take a look at some ways to increase your activity output at work.

If you don’t live far from work how about walking to work? If this sounds too overwhelming at first thought how about walking one way and getting a lift back? You could even break this down even more by walking alternative days until you get used to the idea. Not only is it good exercise for you but you are doing your bit for the environment too.

Talking of saving the environment, if you live several miles away from work and walking to work is out of the question you could opt for cycling to work instead. The same principles apply, you could try alternative days until you get used to the idea. Once you get into moving your body more the sooner you will crave more exercise.

For those who can’t avoid using transport to get to work don’t worry because there are ways to use more calories by using your feet more.

If you travel by bus you could get off at the stop before work and walk the rest of the way. The same applies when going home as well; get off the stop before home. This simple strategy could give you up to 3 hours more exercise each week.

If you drive to work you could leave your car a mile from work and walk the rest of the way. Or at least park it a few streets away. The best thing you could do with driving to work is organising a car sharing scheme where you take it in turns to drive a colleague to work and vice versa. The crunch is when it is your colleagues turn to pick you up you arrange to be picked up a mile from home and dropped off a mile from home at the end of the day giving you a reason to walk.

5 Ways to burn more calories at work
1. Take the stairs every time.
2. Get out and walk at lunchtimes.
3. Get on your feet when talking on the phone and walk.
4. Volunteer at every opportunity you get to get out of the office and take the stairs.
5. Volunteer for strenuous jobs whenever possible, in other words don’t be afraid to break into a sweat at work. Click to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches with a simple eating plan.
Ways to Shred Fat at Work – Lose More Weight Doing the Same Job

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