Thursday, November 26, 2009

Are You Living a Fat Life? – Find Out How to Add More Fat to Your Belly

Mistakes Dieters Make
Let me give you an example of a typical day of a busy person and the unhealthy habits that go hand in hand and why it isn't surprising why some people find it difficult to lose weight.

A typical day for most people begins with a stampede to make sure they get to work on time; this is normally after failing to wake up after hitting the snooze button multiple times. If there is enough time, they may grab a quick coffee whilst rushing to get ready for work. There’s no time to have anything else because the extra time is needed for the rush hour traffic ahead.

Constant deadlines at work prevent eating before lunchtime, which probably at best would be a sandwich from the shop. This would likely be a highly processed sandwich full of additives and preservatives and followed by a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar. Everything needed to create an insulin response and kick-start a natural cycle to store the calories into the fat cells right under the belt line.

The day passes slowly with drink after drink of coffee to prevent drowsiness and to help keep alert. That unknowingly masks the hunger from the nutritionally deficient diet. By mid-afternoon when the eyes are heavy and the stomach is rumbling a trip over to the vending machine to grab a sugar laden quick snack is on the cards. This is only inevitable because a ‘pick me up’ is needed. The options are not good; everyone knows you can’t get anything fresh or healthy inside a vending machine no matter what it says on the packet. This type of snack will help keep them ticking over until the evening when a massive meal awaits them.

Without a doubt this will be washed down with a reward or two of a glass of wine in recognition of the stressful day behind them. By this time it will be bedtime to repeat it all over again tomorrow.

Does this sound familiar? Rushing around stressed all day shovelling processed food down your neck whenever you get a minute and finishing the day with a bottle of your favourite wine to help release some tension?

This isn’t the most favourable way to live especially if you want to look healthy and be fat free. This is just one example I would call a poor quality lifestyle with a poor body to show for it. Do you really expect to look, feel and do your best when living and eating like this? I could go on and on with similar examples but this one is typical of many in today’s society and is one of the reasons there is a fat epidemic.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1.
Mistakes Dieters Make

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