Saturday, September 26, 2009

More Exercise Tips To Get Perfect Pecs

How To Get Perfect Pecs

#1 Rotate exercises
Think of exercises a bit like your diet, the more variety the better. I once learnt in a lecture that a typical person eats no more than 12 different kinds of food in a typical week. Do you do the same with exercise selection by doing the same exercises week in and week out? If so, then it is time to shock your body by going for a response, this involves rotating your exercises frequently. Keep in mind that there are many alternatives to the standard exercises; although you are basically doing the same movement you can change the response by using different tools and methods. There are less chances of suffering from ‘overuse injuries’ if you regularly rotate your exercises.

A Diet For Perfect Pecs

#2 Do not rush but do not daydream either
How many people rush their reps? Have a look around the next time you’re in the gym; chances are they are lifting more weight than they are capable of lifting or practising sloppy manoeuvres because they haven’t been shown the proper way. Don’t get me wrong there is a place for fast reps in strength training programmes but they must be performed in a safe and correct way. Now take a note of how long people rest in-between sets, even if this is a woman that looks like she needs to lose weight; I can bet you that she is resting minutes before doing the next set. It surprises me how many people on weight loss and toning programmes do this, they are resting far too long. They are taking the same amount of rest needed to achieve a 3-5-rep max. In other words they are having the same rest as someone following a power lifting routine. To achieve more intensity in your workouts decrease the rest time between sets. It is normally the first variable I introduce in a programme to increase the overall intensity.

#3 Train hard and rest hard
Workouts should be intense and short; whatever method you use it should keep your heart rate elevated and breathing increased whilst resting between exercises. Workouts should also be structured and have a purpose. Rest outside the gym is just as important as the workout in order to progress and reach your goal. Rushing around all day stressed will do you no good especially if you are training the same day. How can you train hard if your body hasn’t had the chance to rest from the last workout you did? For best results never allow your mind to be preoccupied full of stressful issues before a workout.

A Diet For Perfect Pecs

#4 Use tricks for a rapid response
There are many principles to use to make a workout more beneficial and generate quicker results. But how many people actually think of using them? Those that do probably overuse them and spoil the impact they can have. When response to a workout isn’t progressing as quick as it should then different principles like super sets, drop sets, pre-exhaust, negatives and rest-pause can make a massive difference to overall results.
How To Get Perfect Pecs

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