Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Spot A Diet Con

There is always a money motif behind a hype!
Acai berry is the latest in a long line of super foods that is supposed to miraculously answer your weight and body fat issues with a swallow of a pill. On the surface it is easy to believe the hype. Celebrities endorse acai berry by the dozen and it is a natural food so there should be little if any concern. Or should there be? Read on and discover why acai berry has fallen prey to a global marketing con.

Whenever the diet industry gets excited about one type of food you should be very cautious and open-minded. There are literally dozens of natural super foods that are teeming with nutrients and vitality for the body but you only ever hear about the ones that can be processed into a moneymaking enterprise, especially if it can be made into a recurring revenue stream. Yes, believe it or not no matter what it says on the label or how good a celebrity says it is there is always a money motif behind the hype.

If you are concerned about your weight and your health it is important to get your nutrients from nature rather than a bottle of tablets or processed juice. You need a variety of nutrients from different food groups. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are needed daily, preferably all from natural foods apposed to processed foods. The quantities from these food groups required for weight and fat loss differ from individual to individual. Learning to listen to your response after eating different foods and their quantities is the only way to succeed in dieting. Fine tuning your diet is an individual action as we all respond differently to the same diet.

Remember that acai berry is a fruit and fruits are carbohydrates. Using acai berry instead of or in place of a balanced diet doesn’t cancel the need for other nutrients in the diet. As a matter of fact increasing carbohydrate intake for many people would cause weight gain because of the insulin response caused by the sugar that carbohydrate foods contain.

So be cautious and begin to understand that no amount of supplements in the world can correct a bad diet and change your health and appearance at the same time.
There is always a money motif behind a hype!

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