Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Consequences Associated with Low Calorie Diets

7 Reasons why low calorie diets don’t work!
Did you know you have to eat to lose weight? You need calories to burn calories or your metabolism will slow down (metabolism is the rate your body burns calories). Following are consequences associated with skipping meals and not eating enough calories.

1. You don’t learn anything from dieting. All you learn is how to imprison yourself for months and even years. Nutrition is a lifestyle that needs to be taught so it can be applied for a lifetime!
2. You increase the number of fat storing enzymes each time you diet.
3. You decrease the number of fat burning enzymes each time you diet and create an increase in the size of fat cells.
4. You decrease lean body mass and basal metabolic rate. Each diet makes it harder to restore normal basal metabolic rate.
5. You create insulin and blood sugar handling problems, which most of the time creates fat storage and hypoglycemic symptoms = cravings!
6. With dieting which is a stress, more cortisol is released. When cortisol goes up, insulin goes up to protect the body. Both of these are converted to glucose and into fat = fat storing hormones.
7. Most people decrease the amount of good fat when dieting. Fat deficiency causes fat cravings, the kinds of fat you find in junk food.

The 7 reasons above are pretty scary. You can’t influence Mother Nature, in other words no matter how hard you try to drop a dress size or transform the way you look you can’t do it by reducing calories because evolution didn’t build us this way.

Low calorie diets also cause many people to be MAL-nourished, even obese people. If you are MAL-nourished how can you expect to be healthy and look good? Even when on low calorie diets, if you live on processed foods it can cause toxic overload for the liver and make it difficult if not impossible to digest essential nutrients when you do finally put them in your mouth.

It is essential to detox and eliminate processed foods from your diet. The body needs nutrients from a cross section of natural foods to be healthy and work at an optimum level. Once your body begins to assimilate nutrients you need less food because the body is sending signals telling your brain that you are satisfied. Failing this you will get hungry even whilst eating large amounts if it’s the wrong food. If you get hungry you eat even more, if you eat more food you won’t lose weight and reduce fat from the places you want.
7 Reasons why low calorie diets don’t work!

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