Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Personal Trainers Focus on Three Main Areas That Diet & Fitness Fads Never Address

A diet fits all approach never works for everyone!
Using a personal trainer is most successful way to get in shape, lose fat, reduce inches and build a lean physique than any other way possible. Personal training focuses on three main areas that diet and fitness fads never address.

The three main areas begin with a personalised diet, addressing exercise technique and motivation. You could add a fourth with progressive exercise programme design but the first three needs to come first.

A diet fits all approach never works for everyone. Diet clubs and other group meetings use this method and there are always more that don’t get anywhere then those that do. Wouldn’t it be quicker and easier learning the best way to diet from the beginning without guessing or gambling with efforts?

Secondly doing the proper exercise for a goal is essential for results. Technique is paramount and makes all the difference in shaping the body and burning enough calories. Ask yourself how one piece of exercise equipment can give you the workout you need when in fact a proper exercise programme regardless of goals needs to include squatting, bending, twisting, pulling, pushing and lunging.

On the other hand how can anyone be sure they are doing the exercise correctly if there are over a dozen or more people in the room with different fitness levels? Remember the trainer has only one pair of eyes. If anyone’s technique is so shocking that it does get picked up and corrected then they are getting their moneys worth at the expense of everyone else’s. Imagine you are in a class and you have the best exercise technique then everybody else’s in that class. If the trainer were doing his or her job correctly they would have to keep interrupting the flow of the workout to correct the people with the less experience who were at risk of hurting themselves. Now can you see how a boot camp class can leave you short changed and not being able to deliver on its promise? Everyone in the class would have to be at a pretty even level to benefit everyone in there, but as I know from experience this is rare.

Finally the one thing a personal trainer can be sure to give you that no gym membership or fad can ever compete with is MOTIVATION. How many people join a gym and never use it? How many members does your gym have? A typical gym these days can have anywhere between three and five thousand members. Would it surprise you if I told you that if twenty percent of gyms members used the gym regularly then that would be an impressive amount? If you are a member of a big gym chain lets assume there are four thousand members at that gym. Next time you go in at a peak time say six o clock on an evening just do a quick estimate head count to see what number is in there. You would assume it is the gyms busiest time of day so there should be the most number of members using it then at any other time of day. If you get four hundred which I very much doubt then that is only ten percent of the members using it at its busiest time of day. What does that tell you? For starters it says having a gym membership is an expensive way to get in shape if you never use it. It also proves that gyms couldn’t care less if you use it as long as you keep paying your membership fees. They are not in business to make you exercise and achieve your goal. They are simply there to provide a place for you to exercise if you choose to go.

I hope you can see how beneficial a personal trainer can be to your goals. Not only could you save money and time but also get the results you want from the level of service that can’t be equalled anywhere else.
A diet fits all approach never works for everyone!

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