Thursday, November 26, 2009

Are You Living a Fat Life? – Find Out How to Add More Fat to Your Belly

Mistakes Dieters Make
Let me give you an example of a typical day of a busy person and the unhealthy habits that go hand in hand and why it isn't surprising why some people find it difficult to lose weight.

A typical day for most people begins with a stampede to make sure they get to work on time; this is normally after failing to wake up after hitting the snooze button multiple times. If there is enough time, they may grab a quick coffee whilst rushing to get ready for work. There’s no time to have anything else because the extra time is needed for the rush hour traffic ahead.

Constant deadlines at work prevent eating before lunchtime, which probably at best would be a sandwich from the shop. This would likely be a highly processed sandwich full of additives and preservatives and followed by a packet of crisps or a chocolate bar. Everything needed to create an insulin response and kick-start a natural cycle to store the calories into the fat cells right under the belt line.

The day passes slowly with drink after drink of coffee to prevent drowsiness and to help keep alert. That unknowingly masks the hunger from the nutritionally deficient diet. By mid-afternoon when the eyes are heavy and the stomach is rumbling a trip over to the vending machine to grab a sugar laden quick snack is on the cards. This is only inevitable because a ‘pick me up’ is needed. The options are not good; everyone knows you can’t get anything fresh or healthy inside a vending machine no matter what it says on the packet. This type of snack will help keep them ticking over until the evening when a massive meal awaits them.

Without a doubt this will be washed down with a reward or two of a glass of wine in recognition of the stressful day behind them. By this time it will be bedtime to repeat it all over again tomorrow.

Does this sound familiar? Rushing around stressed all day shovelling processed food down your neck whenever you get a minute and finishing the day with a bottle of your favourite wine to help release some tension?

This isn’t the most favourable way to live especially if you want to look healthy and be fat free. This is just one example I would call a poor quality lifestyle with a poor body to show for it. Do you really expect to look, feel and do your best when living and eating like this? I could go on and on with similar examples but this one is typical of many in today’s society and is one of the reasons there is a fat epidemic.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1.
Mistakes Dieters Make

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Turn Fat Into Muscle – Learn How Tweaking the Diet Can Get Rid of Fat

Ways to swap the flab for firm muscles
My ethos is this, if you are not getting any results with your diet you drastically need to change something quick.

From the many years trying to get the look I wanted I overlooked my eating habits, this doesn’t mean to say I didn’t know what good foods were and ate unhealthily. The opposite was true. The problem I had was that I didn’t know how to eat for my body. I ignored the way I responded to the foods I was eating. After a long battle with my fat levels it finally dawned on me that the type of foods and how I was eating them played the major role in acquiring a toned fat free physique.

You can eat a diet full of mainstream healthy foods and still get fat. This can be down to:

Food intolerance
This leads to poor digestion and bloating. Grains, dairy and processed foods to name a few can be responsible for this.

Too many calories
Over eating is particularly bad for your fat levels if you eat infrequent meals and the wrong kind of calories.

Not balancing the ratio between the carbohydrates and protein
This habit provokes the fat storing mechanism and will keep you piling on the pounds regardless of your energy expenditure.

Eating nutritionally poor foods
If you eat processed food your body doesn’t get the nutrients from the food you eat therefore you will keep eating until you are satisfied because your body is looking for the nutrients.

Eating too soon after a meal
Not allowing ample time between meals is one way to stress the digestive system, good digestion is essential for fat loss.

My research took me to a place I would never have dreamed. The wholemeal bread, milk, low fat foods, anything processed, wheat and all the carbohydrates eaten without protein had to stop. These foods were causing havoc with my hormones and contributing to fat storage and poor digestion.

I didn’t change everything overnight because if I am completely honest I was a little sceptical. The information I was researching was new to me, so I decided to change a little at a time and couldn’t believe the response that followed.

I quickly developed more energy, tighter looking skin and a lot less overall body fat. I soon acquired the taste for other foods I hadn’t eaten for years and the variety of foods I included in a typical week sharply began to rise. This made me enthusiastic about eating and got rid of any fear I once held about certain foods.
Ways to swap the flab for firm muscles

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Can Sit Ups Or Any Other Kind of Exercises Really Help You Get a Six Pack?

Six Pack Tips & Answers
Exercise can be misleading to say the least, different kinds of exercises can have a different effect from one person to the next. One of the most common believes is that sit-ups or crunches will give you a six-pack because you are targeting the necessary muscles.

Take the religious gym user for instance; they do a six-pack workout regularly in the hope of reaching body transformation glory. Only to discover a few months or even years later they have made very little change in the abdominal area for all the time, sweat and sacrifice they have endured.

On the other hand some people of the same nature will look fantastic and their abs will compliment the time invested. This scenario translates to all types of exercises and workout routines.

Lets attempt to clear up why this happens. For starters people have different body shapes when they begin on any given exercise routine. Some may be a few pounds over weight and some by a few stone. This is one of many reasons why some people progress quicker than others.

Breaking this down further, some people may look the same shape but could have totally different body compositions. In other words you could have the same size clothes as your friend but have a greater percent of body fat and fat in more stubborn to shift areas on your body. It is even possible to weigh the same as your friend and still have a different body shape. The point I am trying to make is what seems like the same sometimes isn’t. It isn’t as clear-cut as we would like to think it is.

Other considerations to why some people achieve results quicker than others are to do with the levels of commitment to exercising. The perception of effort and intensity may differ from person to person giving some people a false sense of achievement with what they are doing. If you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough then you will probably never change your body shape with exercise. Contrary to that doing too much can be counter-productive to your goals.

Finally the most important piece of the puzzle is paying too much attention to the exercise regime and not enough to the diet. How many times do people rush in to a six-pack workout routine and neglect their diets? Wishing exercise will cancel out a poor diet is a disappointing experiment. Exercising on a whim and stuffing the face with the wrong foods for fat loss is something that will never work no matter how long or hard you exercise.
Six Pack Tips & Answers

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Advice You Should Read About Losing Weight – Tips to Overcome Diet Obstacles

If you follow these tips you can say goodbye to fat
Do you have a history of yoyo dieting and putting weight on easily? Unable to lose stubborn body fat? Does the diet and exercise thing haunt you and are you tired of it? I have observed peoples diet weaknesses and compiled a few tips to help you with issues and hard times.

Fuel the body with natural dense foods
Banish the cocktail of processed foods from your diet and begin to reap the benefits of real foods. Real foods are foods you find in the ground or on the tress, swim in the ocean or run in the wild. Real foods are heaving with natural goodness that your body needs for optimal health. No amount of processed foods in your diet dressed in synthetic vitamins is ever going to replace what you can get from nature. Once you replace all your processed foods with natural foods you will begin to unlock one of the first pathways to automatic fat loss.

Burn fat with weights, not with a hamster wheel
Muscle tissue is metabolically active, for every pound of muscle you add to your body you will burn an additional 50 calories. Don’t make the mistake of thinking low calorie diets and loads of cardiovascular exercise will help you drop weight or fat. It will make your situation worse in the long term because you risk losing calorie hungry muscle tissue. It isn’t possible to build muscle tissue with the type of cardiovascular exercises health clubs have made popular. Training with resistance is very important for your success and needs to be the priority in your exercise regime.

Forget calories, think nutrients
Your body only knows nutrients contrary to what you may believe. If you eat a slice of cake your body doesn’t scream oh no here comes 500 calories, then says to itself, not to worry because if I only get fed another 500 calories today everything will be all right. If this were the case there would be a lot more thin people especially those who live on low calorie diets. Listen very carefully to what I am spelling out here, calories in versus calories out is out of date science. It looks like the right thing on paper but in reality it doesn’t work.

Your body sees foods as chemicals and nothing more. If you get the balance wrong with processed foods or too many carbohydrates, proteins or fats then everything changes.

Before you know it the nutrients don’t get to where your body needs them and hormones are released to cope with the biological stress. This leads to muscle loss and a slow metabolism ending with you piling on the pounds. Grab your copy of Fat Loss Every 10 Days and begin dropping weight, fat and inches immediately. It comes with a peace of mind 60-day money back guarantee.
If you follow these tips you can say goodbye to fat

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Best Exercises and Tips to Lose Muffin Tops and Love Handles

Exercises for Muffin Tops and Love Handles
Muffin tops is a slang word to describe the overhanging flesh over waistbands. The unsightly look has become more noticeable in recent years due to fashions and the increase in obesity levels. The biggest part to losing the muffin top look and reducing the size of your love handles is the diet. If you make the right changes to your diet it will speed up fat loss and shrink the muffin top quicker than any stand-alone exercise.

When exercising, in order to drop body fat and change the shape of your midsection the best types of exercises are those that involve using as many muscles at once as possible. If you are unfamiliar with exercises there are different types of exercises, some work just one muscle group at once (isolation exercises) and others work multiple muscle groups. If you are moving just one joint in an exercise it is most likely going to be an isolation exercise.

You may be wondering why exercising using all of your body at once is going to work at reducing your muffin top. The more muscle groups involved in an exercise the greater the calorie demand. This has a knock on effect to speeding up your metabolism. That means after you have finished your exercises you will be burning more calories at rest.

Once you begin to reduce fat from around the waist there are some abdominal exercises that work better than others for toning the sides of the waist. These exercise involve you bending sideways. The muscles beneath the love handles are responsible for bending the body sideways. With this information in mind it is important to note that the popular abdominal exercises where you crunch your body forwards and back again will do very little to tone the muscles on the side of your waist.
Exercises for Muffin Tops and Love Handles

Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Get Rid Of Man Boobs Fast

How the Top Dieters Lose Fat
I have thousands of hours experience witnessing what works and what doesn’t work with different kinds of diets. Those who achieve the best results all have the same things in common and take action.

The top dieters have a clear idea of what they want. This ranges from the way they want to look like to how they want to feel once they have achieved their goal.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days! & How to get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days!

The most successful dieters decide how many weeks/months they want to achieve their goal in and set their minds to achieving it.

The dieters that get the quickest results know the exact reasons why they want to achieve their goal and then use the reasons to motivate themselves.

The dieters who seem to effortlessly lose fat are all familiar with the obstacles that could potentially stop them from achieving their goal and set about avoiding them at all costs.

You need to have substance, clarity and a clear-cut plan of action towards your goal. No one is going to get out of this world results plodding along at their own pace without any direction.

Here’s how I do it and countless others who have achieved amazing results in the shortest possible time. If you are not seeing results after 10 days then you need to change something. In my opinion if you don’t feel or look any different after following a certain approach for 10 days then you must be doing something wrong or not trying hard enough.

Divide your timescale into 10-day cycles and assess your speed of progress every 10 days. The more you do this the more you will become in tune with what works for your body and what works against it. You eventually end up with your very own blueprint for fat loss.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days! & How to get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days!
How the Top Dieters Lose Fat

Monday, November 2, 2009

3-Minute Abs Workout Plan – a Week to View Guide to Working Your Six Pack

Easy Routine to Work Your Six Pack
The 3-minute abs workout is a great way to work your abs intensely and the ultimate way to save heaps of time. But having a brilliant workout routine isn’t enough to get the results you want. You need to know the best way to use the workout so you get the best results from it. Following is what a typical week could look like when incorporating the 3-minute abs workout into your week.

I have based the example on a 5-day working week, Monday to Friday.

Just to recap the 3-minute abs workout is 2 to 3 abdominal exercises done for 30 seconds each back to back with no rest in between and repeated until 3 minutes workout time has been achieved.

It would be wise to have at least 2 different programmes, Workout 1A and Workout 1B. That means you will need to choose at least 4 to 6 different abdominal exercises in order to benefit from this workout to the fullest.

The example shows each day divided into 3 categories, minimum, medium and full commitment.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1B
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1B in the morning, workout 1A in the afternoon and back to workout 1B in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1B
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1B in the morning, workout 1A in the afternoon and back to workout 1B in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening. Click here to Get FREE Fat Loss Coaching.
Easy Routine to Work Your Six Pack