Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mind The Diet Without Starving The Mind

Get Rid Of Man Boobs

The main drawback with someone on a diet is the mind; the mind can stand in the way of progress. At the front of a dieters’ mental consciousness is their relationship with calories and the bathroom scales. This can become a vicious circle and a recipe for failure.

Dieters imprison themselves at all levels so they can reach a constant flow of progress on the scales. This is tunnel vision dieting without any concern for anything but numbers. Clever marketing has tricked and got inside the heads of the venerable dieters to the extreme where nutritional health isn’t the priority anymore.

For years the dieting industry has used the low calorie approach to answer the obesity problem leaving the public with a very shallow understanding about nutrition. This has left a very sour taste in the mouth of many dieters whose progress has vanished in thin air instead of seeing excess body weight and fat disappear.

So what can potentially go wrong for someone who wants to GET RID OF MAN BOOBS? If the desired bodyweight is reached it is likely to be only temporary due to the unnatural dieting methods followed. This normally leads to a lifetime of yoyo dieting with body weight fluctuations and malnutrition.

The run of the mill low calorie dieting advice has led people to do things on gut feeling rather than on actual proven formulas. For example, if someone is not losing at a rate they desire they will either cut their calories to a dangerously low level and/or increase their exercise volume to compensate for a lack of progress. It becomes a battle that can’t be won resulting in more vulnerability towards worthless quick fixes.

If something sounds too good to be true then it normally is. It is essential to approach dieting with an open mind and great care must be taken when choosing whose advice to follow. Once a basic understanding about nutrition is achieved it is easy to GET RID OF MAN BOOBS and pick out the proper advice from the ridiculous scams. The shelves of supermarkets and health food shops are full of diet foods connected to the biggest companies in the diet industry. No matter what it reads on the label if it contains ingredients you can’t pronounce or high amounts of sugar or sodium then it cant’ be helping you fight the fat can it? Remember knowing the basics can save you years of frustration and loads of money in the process.

I will finish this article by saying using the mirror or using a tape measure is far more better then getting weighed and living by numbers. What you see is what you get.

Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs Copying Tom Hanks

Have you seen the film Castaway starring Tom Hanks? This isn't a film review but rather a review of how we live our lives today compared to our primitive ancestors. On the film Castaway the character played by Tom Hanks ends up stranded on a remote island for four years, having no choice but to fend for himself for survival just like a Stone Age man.

He didn't sit around all day waiting to get fat, he was forced into doing exercise by needing to hunt for food for survival. There was no processed food, no soft drinks or limitless calories on hand. He was forced to work his body the way it was designed to by pulling, pushing, bending, twisting, squatting, lunging, throwing and even climbing his way through a typical day so he could hunt food and eat to stay alive.

This tells us a few things about our modern day existence.

1. We don't need to do any form of exercise in order to make it through a typical day.
2. We have unlimited supplies of calories at our disposal without needing to exert our bodies for them.
3. The food choices we have are not all from nature.
4. The most convenient foods we eat today and over consume are man made. These contain added artificial concoctions, which are almost impossible to pronounce.

Compared to our ancestors we move less, eat more, have higher stress levels and eat poorer quality foods. The majority of us do very little exercise daily, sedentary lifestyles take over our day to day existence leaving our bodies under worked and over fed with the wrong fuels. Put all this together and you have an obesity problem and the need to GET RID OF MAN BOOBS.

Taking a leaf out of a castaway like Tom Hanks would dramatically reduce body fat in no time at all. Doing a little daily exercise and eating natural food is the quickest way to a six-pack and a way to GET RID OF MAN BOOBS for good. But above all it is a healthier way to live your life.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Food Shopping List This Week

Ok get ready for the truth; I’m going to share with you the list of foods I’ve bought this week for the week ahead. Note the variety I include, proof you can have a six-pack without living on chicken and rice. Most of the food is organic or free range.

Mineral water
Herbal tea
Wheat free bread (I eat a few slices each week)
Puffed wholegrain rice cereals
Flax seed powder
Red apples
Sweet potatoes
Mange tout
Sugarsnap peas
Fine beans
Red onions
Mixed nuts
Cottage cheese
Natural yoghurt
Ghee butter
Chicken legs
Chicken thigh fillets
Minced lamb
Lambs liver
Gluten free pork sausages
Beef steak
Sea salt
Rice cakes, I have these with my protein drink after a workout.
Japanese rice cakes, I have these with chicken liver pate
Whey protein, I use VP2 from AST
Udos choice- ultimate blend oil, I use this oil with at least 3 meals a day.

I had a treat this week, I had wheat free pancakes with double cream and blueberries for breakfast this morning followed by kipper and raw spinach.

Look at your own shopping list and compare the variety. The quickest way to fat loss is eating natural and eliminating processed food. It’s not always about calories but about the quality of those calories and how much of those calories your body can digest.

Fat Loss

Friday, July 3, 2009

Save Money With A Way To Satisfy Your Hunger With Less Food

Get Rid Of Man Boobs
This is just a quick post today to teach you how to satisfy your hunger by actually eating less food. This may sound absurd to some of you but I can assure you there is a way to eat less and do away with hunger feelings in between meals. This is great news for people wanting to achieve weight loss and Get Rid Of Man Boobs. It is also a great way to save money with food bills.

Your body can only digest good quality nutrients; I will briefly explain what I mean. After eating do you ever experience bloating, an uncomfortable abdomen, gas or wind? Chances are you are intolerant to one or more of the foods you have just eaten with your last meal. What does this mean for someone who wants to Get Rid Of Man Boobs?

If you are intolerant to a food it means you can’t digest it properly. This will cause abdominal swelling and more fat storage. Steps need to be taken to eliminate such foods from your diet so you can regain a healthy digestive system and clear the way for your body to reduce fat.

If you carry on eating the foods you can’t digest it will lead you to eat more calories at each mealtime because the body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs. In other words signals from your digestive system tells your brain it needs more food. Eating the right foods for your body will satisfy your hunger quicker resulting in less food consumption and needing to buy less food overall.

Fat Loss Every 10 Days shows you how to get your individual blueprint to Get Rid Of Man Boobs and the best foods needed to fine-tune your diet.

Get Rid Of Man Boobs